Saturday 24 December 2016

Welcome to Trekker's Travels with Karen

In the Beginning.....

We have been talking about "sailing into the sunset" since our first date. True story: standing in line for a movie on our first date after meeting at a university pub the night before, Hugh asked if I liked sailing, and if I didn't then there really wasn't any point to having date number two, as sailing was a huge part of his life that he wasn't willing to give up. So ... I gave it a try! And here we are 37 years later, actually planning our sunset cruise.

Our first big step to our retirement was buying our new boat. Scary and exciting all at the same time. Over the last two years we have worked on getting it ready to go south. It was sad to say goodbye to our old boat, we enjoyed our time on her. Now we start again with new "Trekker".

So my side of the blog will be focused on preparing the boat to live on, and life on board.

Here we go !!!

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