Saturday 31 December 2016

Project 6 - Full Cockpit Enclosure

Trekker was fitted with a dodger, bimini and "deflectors" as Pat Sturgeon referred to them when we bought her.  

Dodger, bimini & deflectors

For cruising Georgian Bay it's necessary to have a full enclosure with screens if one wants to sit in the cockpit at night and not get eaten alive by mosquitos. Our full cockpit enclosure keeps the rain and bugs out just like it is supposed to. Thank goodness because this was the most annoying of the projects to complete. 

Completed full enclosure
I've been told that if you can't say something nice about someone, then don't say anything at all.  So I won't, except to say I wish I had sought a few quotes for the canvas and that I had read the Google reviews before ordering the canvas from Island Canvas.

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